We would like to invite applications at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital for one position of research fellowship for the project “DISSECTING THE ROLE OF BETA-KLOTHO PROTEIN IN NAFLD PATHOGENESIS TO DESIGN NOVEL FUNCTION/STRUCTURE-BASED COMPOUNDS SUITABLE FOR THERAPY” .
The position will be appointed to a Biologist or Biotechnologist with a PhD in molecular biology or an expertise in molecular biology.
Additional skills in allelic discrimination analysis, cloning (CRISP/CAS9), vector transduction, and next generation sequencing will be considered as preferential titles.
Previous certified research experience in relevant to the field of the project would be considered an advantage.
Interpersonal relationship skills, predisposition to teamwork and problem solving skills will be considered preferential characteristics. Availability is required from Monday to Friday, full time. A research position will be awarded to the successful candidate for 12 months (Renewable for a second year). Position and salary will depend on qualification and experience.
ATTENZIONE, BANDO CHIUSO. Da questo momento non è più possibile inviare candidature